GAA calls meeting with county boards over tax concerns

GAA calls meeting with county boards over tax concerns

The GAA has called an urgent meeting for county board officials to discuss the Revenue Commissioners’ risk review of counties.

The meeting, which is set to take place online, has been organised in an attempt to address growing concerns about the potential tax liabilities faced by various county boards nationwide.

Last week Mayo became the second county, after Galway, to confirm that they would not be signing off on their 2024 accounts, due to outstanding engagement with the revenue commissioners.

“We are aware that the inspector of taxes has raised a few concerns in a small number of counties,” GAA Director General Tom Ryan told RT Sport.

“We’re engaging with those counties. They have some work to do so we’ll help guide them through that process. We’ll also be engaging with the revenue commissioners and i hope that we can arrive at a satisfactory conclusion.”

The meeting tomorrow is set to be between the GAA and the chairperson, secretary and treasurer of 26 of the county boards, with the six county boards in Northern Ireland not impacted by Revenue Commissioner decisions made in Dublin.

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